Nelson mother of three Stacey Gribble, left, with Gentle Dental co-owner Maxine Noar after the clinic decided to credit Stacey with $600, the amount she lost to the Stoke Dental Clinic. Photo: Andrew Board.

Dentist comes to Nelson mum’s rescue


The mother-of-three who is owed $600 by struck-off Stoke dentist Nicholas Smith has had her dental bill covered by other dentist.

Stacey Gribble had been paying the Stoke Dental Centre by automatic payment until there was enough in her account to get treatment. But, when she called the clinic two weeks ago, she was told it had closed and Stacey later found out the business had been liquidated.

She told Nelson Weekly last week that the money was a year’s worth of payments and that it was a huge blow for her young family.

But within hours of publishing, the Weekly received a call from Gentle Dental owner Maxine Noar, offering $600 of credit to Stacey.

“I read it in your paper and I just felt so upset. The fact that Stacey had been putting money in to try and get herself ahead, we’ve got kids too and I know what it’s like to be struggling. I just wanted to help her.”

Gentle Dental wasn’t the only clinic to come forward, either. Nelson Weekly also received calls from two other dentists wanting to help.

Stacey says she’s been full of emotions over the past few weeks.

“It’s a lot of stress off our whole family really, it’s awesome. We’re down to our last dollar every week, so if we had to start again it would have taken another year.”

Stacey had her first appointment with Gentle Dental last Friday and says she’s thrilled.

“I’m so surprised, but so happy that people wanted to help. Thank you as well to you guys for writing the story, because I wouldn’t have got the help without you.”